CM-kit@ VIT Bio-Inspired Designs - Summer Fest 2016
Make-a-thon CM-kit Challenge
Up for the BendFlex Complaint Mechnism Design Challenge?
The BendFlex Compliant Mechanism innovator toolkit is a patent-pending invention, designed to help students and hobbyists explore the world of mechanisms.
If you love exploring new designs and coming up with new ideas, and like inventing new things, or want to get started inventing something interesting, this design kit is for you.
At the Make-a-thon, we would love to see you come up with interesting compliant mechanisms.
BendFlex will sponsor two streams, each of which will be evaluated independently. Also, these two streams will be evaluated independently of the other streams of the Hackathon (Agriculture, Aero-Space, Technology, etc).
So, get started and hack your way to Success!!
Stream 1
A group from MIT showed that the stretchability of RBCs get altered when they are affected by malaria...
Can you design a complaint mechanism that can grasp and stretch spherical specimen (cells in suspension)?
Stream 2
Come up with an innovative way to integrate one or more compliant-members in your existing solution for the other themes.
Teams can upload more than one submission (multiple entries are accepted!)
Teams MUST upload one or more high-res images and one or more video of their mechanism in action. (entries without videos will not be considered for judging)
Each submission MUST have the primary contact (10-digit mobile) which will be the team's Unique ID